
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Alright, so after doing my best at working hard this week on some intense chores around the house, my mom rewarded me last night with a NINTENDO 3DS. I've wanted one since I heard about the making of a 3D Nintendo DS system last summer!! It came out at the end of last month and yeah I was planning on buying it on the release date but that didn't happen...didn't have any money and didn't do anything to really deserve one (they're $250..yeah that's pretty expensive). It was last summer that I got back into playing the DS after a while when my sister's friend gave me his Pokemon Heartgold version. And that's when I got back into Pokemon and fell in love with it allll over again (after 5 years!) So I've been playing Pokemon on my DS since I got back into all that stuff last year (working on my Heartgold, Platinum, and Black versions). I have the original blue DS that I got back in like 2005, and instead of upgrading to the DSi, I decided to wait for the 3DS, I mean c'mon, who wouldn't?? And WOW, it's AMAZING!

My mom surprised me with it and I was just like...

Haha all I saw were pictures of it (the aqua blue one is just gorgeous...of course that was the one I chose) and videos about it. I never even played one, like tried it out at a store, so I didn't know what it was like to play it, all I knew was that it was awesome, way more advanced that the DS I have, and in 3D without glasses needed (I had like no idea how that could work but it DOES). I also read about it in this gaming magazine that came in the mail which made me even more eager to buy one. I tried out everything in the menu so far and love EVERYTHING...the augmented reality games are crazy awesome! Seeing these new 3D effects for the first time without glasses is kind of mind blowing. You can also take 3D pictures and all this other stuff, it's great. The 3DS is small, like the perfect size, and much more compact / waaay more advanced than my old DS. I'm just in love with it so far. The technology we have today is just crazy. Now all I need is one of the new 3D games for it. I'm going to get Nintendogs + Cats, probably the version that has the pug :) It's funny because the first game I ever got for the DS was Nintendogs, now the new Nintendogs will be my first game for the 3DS. I remember I was like 10 or 11 when I got Nintendogs and played it with my friends all the time. I was addicted to it... I can't wait to see it in 3D, and with cats now! And I can't wait until more 3D games are released, like Mario Kart and Sims 3!! Ahhh! My sister and her boyfriend and I were discussing how awesome it'll be when a Pokemon game comes out for the 3DS... it's like you're walking around your house or outside with the camera function in the game and random Pokemon pop out at you that you battle! Now THAT would be epic. Sadly a new Pokemon game won't be released for some time since Black and White just came out last month (I was hoping those would be for the 3DS but nooo...Black is awesome though). Well, maybe next year?! We'll see!

I seriously have the best mom ever. She does everything for me. The fact that she spent her money on it for me...yeah I worked for it but still, I don't even think I really worked enough to deserve one. She'll do anything for me and I'm just so thankful for her and my dad too..

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