
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Goodbye Stefano... I miss you Pia...

So I've been into American Idol since the season where Jordin Sparks won.. season 6 (she was the only amazing winner to me) and this season, well.. it started off really good, but now it's..ehh. I love Jennifer Lopez as a judge (I didn't think I would like the new judges) and I fell in love with two Italian contestants: Pia Toscano and Stefano Langone. The second I saw Stefano and heard his voice during the auditions, I loved him. His adorable face, muscles, and unique voice made him my favorite. But then Pia came into the picture and I fell in love with her... Anyway, they were my top 2 favorites. But yesterday Stefano got voted off, so he came in 7th place. /: Ah well. Shit happens. I knew he wouldn't last much longer, considering the fact that he was in the bottom 3 pretty much every week and barely hanging on. I was more devastated 2 weeks ago . . .

2 weeks ago, PIA TOSCANO, the BEST SINGER IN AMERICAN IDOL HISTORY, got voted off the fucking retarded show that I still continue to watch for some reason, coming in 9th place. I was completely shocked. I still don't know how someone so gorgeous and with such a beautiful, powerful voice could be voted off so early in the competition. She had so much passion when she sang... her voice was just beyond amazing. It's such a shame. Me and many other people thought she was the winner for sure. I was always voting for her.. I wanted her to win so bad. She was my #1 favorite singer EVER on the show. That night she got voted off was so shocking and crazy... everybody was just like "WHAAA?! PIA?!?!" And what gets me is, if so many people were so fucking shocked that she got voted off, how the fuck did she get voted off? Oh wait, I know. It's because all those idiots out there assume she's safe (because she's so good) and don't vote for her. They're all like "she's not going anywhere, I don't need to vote for her" aha well if enough people say that, she's not going to get any votes now is she?! It's retarded. That and a combination of how stupid America is. They vote for the worst fucking contestants that have no talent whatsoever. It's just a shame that the best person on the show had to go. It's weird because I had a bad feeling that night, and Pia herself said she had a bad feeling the night before. We both had a feeling that she might not be safe. She even said that she has premonitions and I do too... haha we're both psychic! So she turned out to be the one to go... everyone was booing, the judges were completely shocked/sad/angry... the contestants were tearing up... and Pia cried. It was just really sad..

This was my reaction..

Yeah... that was the first time I ever cried while watching fucking American Idol.

And you know what, the judges had no reason at all to be angry or sad or whatever because IT'S KIND OF THEIR FAULTS. They used their ONLY fucking save so early in the damn competition on someone that's not even GOOD. They used their one save on this AWFUL singer named Casey that SHOULD'VE and WOULD'VE came in at 11th place. He didn't deserve that save at all, it should've been used on Pia. I thought to myself "wow they're making a big mistake, they should use that on someone GOOD who will NEED it later on." But they made their minds up, and I'm sure they were really regretting their retarded decision when Pia got voted off.. They were probably thinking "oh hmm maybe we should've saved our save for a moment like this.." Idiots. And all the people out there who were so shocked can't even say anything because most of them probably didn't even vote for her. So yeah, I'm sure Casey or someone else that sucks (like Scotty...UGH) will be the winner. I hope everyone is fucking happy with that. Whatever, I honestly don't care anymore.

This should've been the winner right here...

Also... for some reason, nobody wants a female Idol. Like, the first 4 contestants to get voted off were all girls. I don't get it. Probably because mostly girls watch and for some reason, girls don't want other girls to win? They just want the guys. Which is kind of retarded because the competition should be based on ACTUAL TALENT. But okay. I really don't care much for the 6 people left on the show... Maybe I'll watch for Haley, since she's alright and has a good personality. She's always in the bottom 3 too but she's still holding on so what the hell, I'll root for her. Plus I really wanted a girl to win this year (LIKE PIA), I mean that would be nice since the past 3 years has been all guy winners and sucky ones at that (David Archuleta and Adam Lambert should've won - season 7 and 8). So Haley is my only hope... even thought I already know that she won't win. It'll be a guy, I just know it. There are only 2 girls left, and I don't even like the other one. I'd rather a guy win over Lauren, lol. 

Whatevs, it is what it is. American Idol sucks dick.

I was also kind of hoping for a hook up between my favorite Idols as well... DAMN.

You gotta admit that they're kind of cute together. It was pretty obvious that Stefano was crushing hard on Pia too... I don't know if it was the same the other way around though haha. He was like heartbroken the night she got voted off; he thought he was the one going home. He was up there with her in the bottom 2 (yeah my 2 favorites in the bottom 2, that just sucked) and I was hoping it would be Stefano leaving but deep inside I knew it would be Pia because nothing in life is ever fair and it's always the ones with the real talent that go first...  

This post is too long.. I just get angry whenever I think about it because it's so wrong. But what's funny is that Pia will be more successful than all those talentless idiots (Lauren, Scotty, and Casey to be exact) still on the show. I heard that she already has her own record deal! No surprise there. She took her parting from Idol fine and she's doing great. She'll go far :)

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