More Info & Older Jonas Brothers Pics
Hey y'all!
Alright so today I was supposed to redecorate and change up my whole page, but see... last night I kinda stayed up until like 5am (the latest time I've stayed awake for the past couple weeks) and passed out until midday just about. I have a lot that I really gotta get done today, things that I'm supposed to do before I stay on the computer for a while, so once I finish everything else, my blog will finally go under construction.
I'm in the middle of redecorating my room, and I have a lot of cleaning that I gotta do....ugh. I also really have to start reading my summer books for high school and try on my school uniforms to see if they fit. And I wanted to paint my toenails black with little sparkles... don't ask lol. And I have to load pictures from my camera onto my computer, then edit the pictures I was gonna use for my new blog header, my Twitter background, and the new picture for my profiles (of my pug Percy!). I can't believe that tomorrow it'll already be August! I start high school on September 9th I think, so I still have over a month off. YEA! This summer has been so AWESOME so far! I can't wait to talk for about everything and put pictures up.
Anyways, so definitely TOMORROW morning, August 1st, I'm going to update all my sites (links at side) and change up this whole blog. It's gonna look really awesome! I'm also gonna make a whole new playlist, and I'm gonna make a mixpod for this page, too. And I'm definitely gonna add a bunch of new gadgets to my sidebar!
So now I'm gonna get to doing what I gotta do (I've been putting everything off since Monday, so I gotta do it all already!) and tonight I'm gonna actually get some sleep. I hate when I stay up all night thinking that I can actually get through the whole day without sleep. That's what I hate about myself... I make the same mistake over and over, expecting something different to happen. Like staying up all night thinking that I could stay up the whole next day without passing out. YEAH RIGHT.
In the meantime, enjoy these older, extremely cute pictures of the Jonas Bros:
Joe Jonas:
(Joe looked amazing when his hair was longer and wavy like this back then, but I still love the shorter curly style that he has now much more!!! :D)
Aww!!!! I want that rose!
Shake that tambourine boy!
Pure hottness!!! :)))
Nick Jonas:
Play me a song :D
Soaking wet! Look at those muscles!
Wow. Cute cute cute!!!! I like his new dog tag better than his old one, btw.
Love the leather jacket boy!
Jonas Brothers:
This is a more recent pic from a live chat they had a couple months ago.
3 Words Describe Them : Curly Haired Cuties!!! :) Look at Joe hehe. Group hug!!!
Hot pic from their 3D Movie. Joe looks... gorgeous.
A walk on the beach...
Lounging around... Joe can't get enough of himself! I wonder why... he knows he's HOT!
Throw Nick! 1...2...3... CRASH. Lol.
If you touched them you would burn your finger so much, that it would crumple into tiny pieces of ash. That's how smokin hot they are.
HOTTIEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe looks freakin AMAZING (though I prefer him with curly hair rather than straight) and Nick looks ADORABLE (I want his hair that long again!!!)!!!!!!! This pic was takin like early early 2008, so it's probably the oldest.
Hope you enjoyed that trip through the last year and a half with those older Jonas Brothers pics. I had another picture with Joe's hair pin straight and Nick's hair super long (siiiigh) but I accidentially deleted it and the post wasn't saved, so I couldn't get it back in the place it was before. :P Sucks right? Whatev, not a big deal. I love them. Been a fan since February 2007, and I'm proud of it! Haha. :D
Anyways, I gotta get going! I got work to do!
I'll be updating everything and my blog will go under construction tomorrow morning.
Follow me on Twitter @AmiiJMac! :D
Vote for the Teen Choice Awards before time runs out! August 10th baby! Jonas Brothers hosting! VOTE JONAS BROTHERS AND DEMI LOVATO FOR ANYTHING THAT THEY'RE NOMINATED FOR!!!! :)
*Something small I wanted to get out to everyone through this post : The Jonas Brothers have always been cuties and always will be! :)
Peace. Love. Jonas.
-Amber (Ami) :D <3
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