UPDATE!!! Info & Some Pics of the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Joe Jonas, & Nick Jonas
Wassup?! Long time, no blogging!
Alright so my blog will go under construction starting tomorrow, July 31st. Everything will be changed - the header picture, everything at the bottom and on the sidebar, my profile picture and some of my profile, etc. Everything is gonna be redecorated and it's gonna look mad awesome! There are so many cool gadgets that I just found out about, so I can't wait to add them to my page! Sorry that I haven't updated or changed my blog in like forever, so after the whole format is changed and updated, I'll start posting more soon after. I've just been crazy busy!
I'm also gonna change stuff on my Twitter page, then update my Bebo and Artbistro pages. All the links to those are on my sidebar. And I'm gonna make a YouTube page and maybe add more to my Facebook page, too. The links to those will go up on here tomorrow. I also gotta make a Gmail so my sis (the one who lives in SanFran, California) will stop telling me to make one so we could keep in touch better. So yeah, I'll be finally doing all that stuff tomorrow. I'll post a lot more on here early-August. My page just really needs to be changed up first, don't y'all think?
Haha so yeah, for now, follow me on Twitter -
-That's what I'm usually on most of the time.
I have so much I wanna say about EVERYTHING that has happened these past few months. For now I'll just say that so far, my summer has been amazing - for many reasons, which I'll talk more about later. I've been talking about many things on my Twitter and I'm always updating on there, so it would be awesome for anyone to check that out. Soon I'm gonna put up lots of Twitpics of a lot of things, including pics from some of the awesome things I did this summer so far. (Puerto Rico, Demi Lovato concert, Jonas Brothers concert.... I'll talk more about all that stuff on here later. ;D) Later on I'll also update on what my ultimate fav celebs (y'all know who they are) have been up to lately.
For now, enjoy ALL these awesome pics of my ultimate favorite celebz:
Jonas Brothers:
They're sooo cute! This is one of the promo shots for the MuchMusic Video Awards.
Jammin' on Good Morning America. I love the faces they're making haha!
Nick Jonas at a debate for diabetes. He looks pretty adorable here, am I right?
Demi Lovato:
Demi lookin sick while making a recent appearance on Good Morning America.
Chillin at MTV while in NYC. I have no clue how she walks in those skyscraper heels though! :O
Really pretty shot.
Jammin - Walmart Souncheck.
Old shot from Miley's huge 16th Birthday Bash last year. She looks so pretty here! But extremely pale compared to the new look she has now.
This is a pretty old pic of her. Reminds me of last summer, during the Camp Rock days. She's really changed since then, like her entire look, is totally different. I really liked the way she looked with her bangs. But she'll always be awesome.
Joe Jonas:
(Here are some the the most gorgeous pictures I have of him. Be prepared to faint.)
Wow. Just wow.
How adorable is he with his new curly hair?!!! VERY ADORABLE!!! (Well, it's not new, he's had that hairstyle since the end of March, so like 4 months. Whatever haha.)
Cutest. Smile. In. The. World. :D
He was walking with his ex, Camilla Belle, in these pics, so I cut her out lol. Why ruin a perfectly hot picture of Joe Jonas with her in it? HAHA. He's so cute. Love the outfit!
Sick shades. Hot outfit for a hot boy.
God can Joe get any hotter?! Love his shirt here. He's got great style!
(He was walking with Jordin Sparks' back-up singers here. I cut them out, too. I only want Joe! Haha)
Very cute!!!
Soooooo adorable!!!! Nobody can disagree!
Sigh. Joe is too freakin gorgeous. Just look at him! :)
So if anyone is wondering why I'm so totally into Joe and not Nick like usual, it's because I replaced Nick with Joe as my fav JoBro 4 months ago when Joe Jonas changed his hairstyle. I'm sorry, but those curls look so much cuter on him!!! Imean Nick is really cute, but now, I think Joe is the best looking. Sorry Nick and Kevin. For 2 years, since I started liking the Jonas Brothers back in February 2007, I've always been madly in love with Nick. JUST NICK. But Joe has taken over... I guess you could say he now has a more special place in my heart at the moment... hehe. ;)
Nick Jonas:
He's still extremely hot!!! Pretty darn good-looking boy!
Extreme Adorableness.
Siiiiigh. When Nick's curls were this long... WOW. Wowowowow. I dunno why he ever cut his hair. Because I think this one fits him the best. IMEAN IS HE HOT OR WHAT WITH HIS HAIR THIS LONG?!! Back when his hair was like this - late-2007/early-2008 - I was probably more in love with him then I ever was before. I wonder what Joe would look like with his curls this long.... :).
Haha, I think that's enough pics for one day. I better get going, I have a lot I gotta do.
Anyways, I'll be back tomorrow to do tons of redecorating here & updating on my other sites. Can't wait!
So follow this blog! I promise, there will be more updates on all sorts of sick stuff comin soon. I'll write more posts tomorrow, for sure. For now, tomorrow I'll put up new pics I have of cute pugs, really cool pics I edited of my pets, more hot JB pics, and some really really extra good-looking ones I have of Joe ;). And maybe I'll even put a few JEMI pictures. I'm definitely a BIG supporter of Jemi, I think Joe & Demi would be the cutest celeb couple in the universe. Who knows what will happen between them? They both are single and Camp Rock 2 is gonna start filming in a month............. Hehe.
Oh, and the new background pic I'm using for my Twitter is gonna be of my fav Jobro, and everyone knows that Joe is now my favorite Jonas Brother, so I can't wait to show everyone the pic. It's really, really good (by "good" I mean adorable :D).
I still can't believe that it's almost August! Crazy! 1 more day until July is over! :P
So yea, Add me as a friend on Bebo or Artbistro if anyone has one.
And don't forget to follow me on Twitter @AmiiJMac!!! Haha.
Remember: The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato are the most talented singers and actors out there!!! Listen to their music, go to their shows, watch their movies/TV shows! Support them in any way that you can cuz they rock!!!
And Follow JB & Demi on Twitter - @JonasBrothers and @ddlovato!
Twitter rules!
*Something small I wanted to get out to everyone through this post : Joe Jonas is hot. ;)
Peace. Love. Jonas.
-Amber (Ami) :D <3
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