Update : Happy Easter :)
Happy Easter everyone!
I hope you all had a great one on Sunday. Sorry I haven't posted in like a month and a half, I've been extremely busy. I'm on my Spring Break now, and I'm leaving in the morning to visit my grandparents New Mexico for a little bit. I'm coming back next Saturday night (April 18th), so I'm really going to try to update a lot then. (My pug Percy's 9th B-Day is the next day on he 19th! Just wanted to say that.) I have sooo much to write about (so many things about the Jonas Brothers :D)! And I'm gonna put more things on this page, like more cool links and more video bars at the bottom and stuff. I also added some stuff to the sidebar, like more appearances by JB and Demi and some other things. Look, things are happening with them this week! Don't missss. (Even though I might have to)
Visit my Bebo and ArtBistro page (which I just made after my sister Cel. forced me to ;D) and follow me on Twitter (AmiiJMac)! My linkz are at the side.
Laterz :)
UPDATE: (July 30th, 2009)
Sorry that I never changed up my page or updated when I got back from New Mexico back in April like I said I would. I've been really busy with school and tons of homework. I graduated from 8th grade in June & I'm on summer break now, so I have more time to finally do what I was too busy to accomplish before! I'm so excited to start high school in September though, it's gonna be a whole new experience! Anyways, the summer is going awesome so far! I actually don't want it to end... Still excited for high school though!
Peace. Love. Jonas.
-Amber (Ami) :D <3
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