I'm so sorry about not updating anything today or redecorating my whole page like I said I would do in my last post! Everything has been postponed for today but it's gonna have to be postponed again... Uhh...
This past week has just not been my week! Sigh. Nothing has been going according to plan WHATSOEVER. So forgive me for not doing anything I've been saying I'd do these past few days. And on Twitter, this past like week and a half just about I've been saying I'd do things I still haven't done... Imean I do update on Twitter but I still haven't changed my background pic or put up any Twitpics like I said I would do... probably why I lost like a million followers. (Around the middle of July I had about 130 followers, (That was crazy awesome for me!) and after almost a week of barely posting (Due to being EXTREMELY BUSY, I'll explain later) I went down to like 56 followers. At the moment I have 53. Sucks right?)
Anyways, I'll explain everything tomorrow. But I promise that I will update all my sites, completely redecorate my page, and do everything I said in the last 2 posts very soon! :)
At the moment, enjoy these 4 amazingly adorable pics of Joe Jonas that I haven't put up yet:
Super cute with glasses! :D (Most recent pic)
Older Pics:
Wowzer! His really long wavy hair = HOTTTTTTTTTTTT!
Hehe. So cute.
This is the pic that I accidently deleted from yesterday's post:
These boys are gorgeous. Once again, this is an old pic from early last year. I really wish that Nick's hair was that long again!!! So so soooooooooo... cute. Haha.
Anyways, I gotta get going. It's getting late.
Once again, I'll explain everything tomorrow and very soon, I'll finally do what I promised.
Jeez, I really gotta stop stressing so much about everything.
If you're reading this Celeste, don't laugh! I WILL eventually get everything done! And dude, pick up your phone more often! I've been trying to call ya back since Thursday night! And tell me if you ever got the video I made for you that I sent to your phone? I dunno why you haven't been getting my texts and stuff lately... Oh and listen to the voice messages I left you today! ;)
-My older sis who lives in SanFran is awesome, follow her on Twitter @ClaritySF! (Even though she has not been updating lately... What's the deal with that?!)
-My other older sis is awesome too, but she's too good for Twitter lol.
-My Mom has a Twitter, but she hasn't updated since early June! Her Twitter page is @MamasanSquirrel haha
-And don't even get me started on my older bro! Hahaha!
Oh shnap, it's pretty late! I better get off the computer before I get in trouble! (I know, that makes me sound REAL cool.)
Follow me on Twitter @AmiiJMac! :D
*Something small I wanted to get out to everyone through this post : I won't post anything that I say I will do unless I'm absolutely sure that I can follow through with it on time! :P (Like that'll happen lol)
Peace. Love. Jonas.
-Amber (Ami) :D
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