
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jonas Brothers Blog: 3D Movie, Interviews, & Other Stuff

Check out one of the latest blogs from the Jonas Brothers from February 16th:
Hey everyone! We just got back to Los Angeles. We are still filming our new TV show for Disney. It is going so well. We are all so excited about the way it is turning out. We hope you will all love it. Last week was so busy. We had a great time doing the press for the 3D Movie. We were on: Dave Letterman Late Night with Conan O'Brien Entertainment Tonight Insider Access Hollywood E! News and Saturday Night Live And we filmed a lot of things for this week and next week: Good Morning America Regis and Kelly Ellen MTV and the CBS Early Show And coming on Sunday... Barbara Walter's Special There may have been more. We did so much it is hard to remember. What did you think of the interviews? Let us know. ALSO... NEXT WEEK - We are so excited about the PREMIERE of our 3D MOVIE - JONAS BROTHERS 3D CONCERT EXPERIENCE. There have been SCREENINGS of the 3D Movie around the nation. The reports from the screenings have been amazing! People are shouting, clapping, dancing, etc. This is the reason we called it the Jonas Brothers 3D Concert EXPERIENCE! If you saw our BURNING UP TOUR you will want to watch carefully. There was a lot of footage captured from venues throughout the tour. If you saw the movie...TELL US WHAT YOU THINK? WE would love to hear what you thought. We will be making regular updates throughout the next week or two. Keep checking in here, at FFE, TEAM JONAS, etc. Thanks JB Kevin, Joe and Nick I'm sooo excited to see their 3D Movie next Friday!!! If you buy tickets early, you're able to get a free iTunes download of their music video for Tonight ! I got tickets last week for the premiere day, but not the midnight showing...haha. Anyone else get tickets early...

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