
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Helloo :)

So. I'm now a sophomore in a new high school and 16 YEARS OLD!!! I had an awesome birthday this month. :D And I had an amazing Christmas with my family. I'm on vacation and REALLY enjoying it. So much has happened...A LOT...but life is good right now. My crazy life is actually not so bad sometimes. I can't believe 2011 is almost here.

Oh, and yeah, sorry that I rarely update on here. I don't even go on Facebook anymore, really. Twitter and Tumblr is where it's AT! ;D Haha well I'm going to start updating more in 2011 when I'm up to it. Maybe I'll finally change this blog around. Ignore all my past posts from when I was a child, lol. I was kind of considering deleting everything and starting over on this blog but I decided against it. I'll just keep my dumb old posts and move on from here. I'm into a lot of different things now... yeah, I'm so over the Jonas Brothers so just ignore all my crazy Jonas posts from the past...better yet don't even look back.

-Amber :)

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