
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Is True Beauty

So my summer is going absolutely amazing so far. I can't even explain how great the feeling is. No more horrid catholic high school, no more torture! Just freedom. Beautiful FREEEEDOM! My mom registered me for my new school today. When I start 10th grade in September, I'm starting over in a public school, the same one my older brother and 2 older sisters went to. I can't wait. It's going to be so much better. And WAY closer to where I live. Plus, I get out of school earlier :D I've been having a lot of fun since my last finals ended on the 21st. Classes officially ended for me on the 11th so I guess I had a couple weeks off so far. Very relaxing weeks. I passed all my finals and my algebra regents (THANK GOD) so I passed all my classes. I was so happy when I found that out. I wasn't doing so hot in global history and I really thought I failed my algebra regents but I did pretty good! I'm proud of myself, I went through A LOT since 9th grade was really hard. I'll talk about it more later. I'm going to do so much better next year because I'm a smart girl and usually am a straight A student. This year just didn't go so well for me. It was so stressful and just really hard...It's too much to explain. But yeah, at this point I'm just extremely happy that I don't have to go to summer school for anything. Imean of course I wouldn't have to go, I'm too smart ;) So yeah I have some fun summer plans. I can't believe that tomorrow is JULY already! So amazing!! Oh, and follow me on Twitter! @AwesomeAmii13 and @LiLMonster4Ever. :)
Enjoy these awesome pics that give you that happy summer feeling:

-Amber J. Mac. :]

Friday, June 11, 2010


Oh. Yes. It feels so crazy. But it finally happened. I'm done with 9th grade. Such a good feeling. Hellloooooooooo summer!!!!!! :D -AMI :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tomorrow Is FINALLY the Last Day of 9th Grade

OMG. What a crappy year. 1 more day until I'm free. IT'S THE SUMMERTIME BABY. Updates and redecorating of this blog coming soon after tomorrow! :D (FINALLY! This is such a good feeling.) Welcome back summer. You've been missed. -Amber