
Monday, March 2, 2009

Demi Lovato New Music Video Newz

A few days ago, Demi Lovato left a message on her SayNow number and twitter account (twitter rockz) to her fans telling info and giving small hints on her latest music video! It's for her song Don't Forget (a pretty sad song actually, but really good) which is off her freshman album, Don't Forget. It's also her favorite song on the record that she said she connected the most to. She said she was currently filming it (last Wednesday and Thursday) and she couldn't tell us much about it yet, but what she did say was that it included "water...50 ft. water explosions!" Woah, cooool!!! Check it out on March 17th on Demi's myspace page! See her other hardcore rockin' music vids here - La La Land Get Back Lovato also just recently recieved her drivers permit because she passed her online course! Congrats Demi! -Amii

Update: Happy March

Happy beginnin' of March everybody! This is gonna be another awesome month. I'm sooo happy because right now it's snowing up to 14 inches all night and school is gonna be off for tomorrow! Yeaaaa That gives me more time to update...I got so much to talk about! Last week was a huge week for the Jonas Bros and so many cool things happened...I'll talk more bout that stuff l8tr! Yesterday they just finished their Surprise Theater Invasion for the opening weekend of their amazing 3D movie, their last stop being in San Francisco. Their movie was so far a huge success! Congrats JoBros! I'll update more later on today about many cool things... -Amii